Search Ads adds 3 more countries and 2 features

Today Apple announced that they have added 3 new countries to the Search Ads platform: Canada, Mexico, and Switzerland.

Campaigns can be created as of today but won’t go live until October 17, from 10 a.m. PDT.

Apple has also added to useful features: Account history, to view all changes to your account, campaigns and ad groups. This is extremely useful when looking at how effective your changes have been, and what has been changed (if managed by a partner or multiple users). Lastly, Apple has finally allowed us to delete unused campaigns and ad groups. Until now you had to sort through the old test campaigns and ad groups titled “Test Ads”, “Do these things work” etc… Now we’re able to refine our views and focus on the active campaigns that matter!


About Search Ads

Apple’s Search Ads platform provides a simplistic approach to advertising, while still providing robust insights into your campaign’s performance. Not only do they assist in ASO efforts but Apple Search Ads allow you to reach audiences you might be missing. To learn more about search ads you can read up on our blog:

Apple Advertising | The ASO Project Blog    Apple Search Ads: Management Service & Case Study by The ASO Project    



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