Reviews Manager

Ratings & reviews play a critical role in your app's success and visibility. Our Reviews Manager tracks your app's reviews, replies to them and provides you with daily updates on new reviews, review sentiment and more.
Reviews & Ratings Tracking
Track ratings and reviews. We collect ratings totals daily, and collect reviews every hour so you can stay on top of what users are saying about your app.
Reply to Reviews
Utilize our Reviews Manager to reply directly to reviews on both platforms. We'll notify you when new reviews come in, and you can reply directly from our dashboard.
Automated Reporting
Get daily, weekly or monthly reports on your app's reviews. We'll send you a report with a summary of your reviews, and a breakdown of your rating history.

Reviews Manager features

Reviews Tracker

Our Reviews Manager collects reviews for your apps every hour so you can stay on top of what users are saying about your app. Generate AI summaries, analyze trends, understand sentiment, search for keywords and more.

Ratings Tracker

We collect ratings every day to provide you with a complete picture of your app's ratings history. Chart your ratings over time, and see how your average ratings changes as you make updates to your app or implement new marketing strategies.

Reply to Reviews

Simplify your review management by replying to reviews directly from our dashboard. Get notified when new reviews come in and with two clicks, generate an AI reply and post the response directly to the App Store or Play Store. We'll even translate your replies for you.

Full feature list

App Store integration
Play Store integration
AI summaries
Sentiment analysis
Keyword breakdown
Searchable reviews
AI replies
Reply templates
Automatic translations
Reply translations
Reporting integrations

What our clients say

I highly recommend The ASO Project team if you’re looking to work with an agency that feels like an extension of your team, and prioritizes delivering results!
Erin Webster-Shaller
VP of Marketing, Lose It!
From creative work to analytics and optimizations, The ASO Project does it all. We've worked with the team for over 4 years because they get results.
Max Scholle
Sr. Director of Digital Marketing, Keeper Security
The team at The ASO Project is a creative, initiative-taking group of growth hackers with the full range of competence needed to deliver results!
Sean Mehra
Founder & CEO, HealthTap
We are generating subscription revenue, experiencing conversion rates above our expectations and ranking very well for our primary keywords!
Kimberley Phillips
Director of Marketing Acquisition, Wondrium

Let's talk!

Ready to get started? Schedule a consultation with a member from our team to explore how we can help grow your app.

Additional tools

ASO Dashboard
Search Ads Manager
Reviews Manager
ASO Looker Connect